A Woman Is a Man Is a Woman

Glamour is an online women’s magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. It is considered a magazine for millennial and Gen Z beauty-loving women. It publishes articles related to politics, fashion, beauty, and entertainment news. It is also full of quite striking photos of glamorous women. They have also been known…
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Does Transgender Actually Exist?

Culture war issues are pervasive these days in American society, and one of the most prominent (and most fierce) is the battle over transgenderism. And some of the expressions of this battle are, literally, insane. But as you might expect, those who support the transgender movement see it differently. They…
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Transgenderism and a Biblical Worldview

AJ Buckley, a transgender Episcopal priest and associate rector at Saint David of Wales Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon, made this statement: “For me as a non-binary person, I’ve been to so many churches where they don’t have a bathroom that I feel like I can use, and so I’ll…
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Research Says Religions Don’t Really Hate Queer and Trans People

It seems that the religious community has something new to look forward to. Melissa M. Wilcox is a religious studies professor that the University of California at Riverside. She is launching a new academic journal exploring the connections between religion, gender, and sexuality. QTR: A Journal of Queer and Transgender…
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So Much Confusion

There are people who would call me insensitive (or worse) because I express biblical worldview beliefs about people who self-identify as transgender. A transgendered person is one whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond to their sex at birth (or some would say the sex they were…
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