Potential Evidence for Dyson Spheres and Space Aliens

Scientists who are in positions of power and responsibility in NASA and in the astronomical community are overwhelmingly so committed to their belief in naturalistic philosophy, that they spend virtually their entire careers, and massive amounts of taxpayer money, in an attempt to prove it is true. It is amazing…
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Is Bisexuality Genetically Determined?

Speculation in the name of science is so rampant that it is almost becoming comical. Jianzhi “George” Zhang is a professor at the University of Michigan, and senior author of a study in Science Advances (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adh4990). Now mind you, this research looks all official and scientific, but is not based…
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The Limitations of Science

Science is the use of observation and experimentation to discover things about the natural universe, and the operation of science is supposed to be completely neutral. Scientists run experiments, then let the chips fall where they may. Whatever the results show, that is the way natural reality works – supposedly.…
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Too Much Speculation and Not Enough Science

Fairly often I see articles from various “science” magazines dealing with so called “habitable planets.” Some of these periodically pop up in my Google news feed, and some of them are actually reported on in the mainstream news media. A recent one was headlined, “Astronomers Find What May Be a…
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There’s Something Weird, in the Universe, Who Ya Gonna Call?

The new generation of space telescopes (beginning primarily with the Hubble Space Telescope) were designed to do more than merely give astronomers a better view of the universe. There is some other very serious science packed into these babies. Of course, they have provided us with spectacular images that awe…
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Conversation with a Mushroom

Adam Adamatzky, with the Unconventional Computing Laboratory at the University of West England in Bristol, England, has put forth a surprising theory that fungi may communicate with each other. You read that right. He postulates, based on research he has conducted, that there is communication going on between mushrooms. Adamatzky…
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