When Antisemitism Is Different from Antisemitism

As we look at what is happening in the world today, one of the big stories in the news is the virulent antisemitism that is prominent on many college campuses and in major cities. This is manifested by huge protest rallies, defacing of public property, attacks on Jewish synagogues and…
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What’s This “White Christian Nationalism” Thing?

An all out push is being made by certain factions to paint Christian evangelicals as racist bigots. The terminology being used to make that case is “White Christian Nationalists.” To these detractors, anyone who believes in traditional Christian values falls into this category – whether they are white and Christian…
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Sharing Your Faith Based on the News

Beginning a conversation that leads to a witness opportunity can be a very awkward proposition for a lot of people. It is awkward because religion is a subject that does not fit naturally within most people’s everyday conversations where there is no context for discussing faith matters. People generally have…
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How to Organize Discipleship Training – Part 5 – How to Share a Christian Witness

Part 1 – http://www.marketfaith.org/2020/07/how-to-organize-discipleship-training-part-1-grasping-the-big-picture
Part 2 – http://www.marketfaith.org/2020/07/how-to-organize-discipleship-training-part-2-the-need-for-a-worldview-paradigm/
Part 3 – http://www.marketfaith.org/2020/07/how-to-organize-discipleship-training-part-3-a-biblical-worldview-as-a-foundation
Part 4 – http://www.marketfaith.org/2020/07/how-to-organize-discipleship-training-part-4-interacting-with-non-biblical-worldviews-in-the-world “I don’t have belief,” said Jeff as he brushed off Bill’s inquiry about his religious faith. “Beliefs are only necessary for those who don’t know.” “Don’t have any beliefs?” Bill replied back. “Just because…
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Why Worldview Understanding is Important for Witness

When I served in Japan as a missionary and had the opportunity to share my faith with a Japanese person, it was generally not enough for me to simply share the Christian faith. The worldview background of Japanese culture consists of a unique combination of Animism and Far Eastern Thought.…
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