Eight Key Questions for Interpreting the Bible – Part 2 – Tal Davis

In Part One of this two part series, we examined four questions that need to be answered in order to competently interpret the Bible. We discussed the fact that many people read or study Scripture, or participate in study groups, without really having a knowledge of the essential principles of…
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Eight Key Questions for Interpreting the Bible – Part 1 – Tal Davis

“So, what does that verse mean to you?” “That’s not what I get out of that passage! “Let’s all listen carefully to what Dr. Pasgnosko says on his tapes. He is the only teacher who really understands the Bible.” Ever been in a Bible study or church service where the…
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Biblical Misinterpretation

There are many people that claim to be Christians, but who base their core theological beliefs on a philosophy that is not biblical at all. In fact, there are even entire historically Christian denominations that have dropped their reliance on the Bible and picked up naturalistic philosophy as their primary…
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