What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 2

What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 2
By Tal Davis (You can read part 1 at: http://www.marketfaith.org/2020/06/what-is-historic-christianity-part-1) “Of course I’m a Christian,” said Tom, responding to his office friend Mike. “I go to church every week and study the Scriptures. I even served two years as a missionary for my…
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What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 1

The college professor faced his Comparative Religions class on its first day. He took a poll, “Who among you consider yourselves Christians?” Most students in the class raised their hands. He then asked for other faiths: Jewish, Hindu, etc., even atheist. One or two raised their hands for each. After…
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We’ve Been Here Before

Mass demonstrations, riots in the streets, attacks on the police, police brutality, a President at war with the press, domestic terrorism, cities in flames, etc. Last week’s news about the tragic death of George Floyd? No. I am talking about what happened fifty years ago. In the years 1968 to…
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