How to Organize Discipleship Training – Part 5 – How to Share a Christian Witness

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Part 4 – “I don’t have belief,” said Jeff as he brushed off Bill’s inquiry about his religious faith. “Beliefs are only necessary for those who don’t know.” “Don’t have any beliefs?” Bill replied back. “Just because…
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How to Organize Discipleship Training – Part 4 – Interacting with Non-Biblical Worldviews in the World

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Part 3 – There are a lot of different belief systems in the world. These are represented by the many religions, cults, and philosophies that we see all around. And while virtually all of us interact with people who adhere to…
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How to Organize Discipleship Training – Part 3 – A Biblical Worldview as a Foundation

Part 1 – Part 2 – A person’s worldview directly expresses the way they understand reality to be organized. In practical terms, this means that whatever people believe at a worldview level WILL BE expressed in their daily life. Think of it this way: Would you act in…
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How to Organize Discipleship Training – Part 2 – The Need for a Worldview Paradigm

Part 1 – Traditionally, a study of the topic of worldview, and even the use of a worldview paradigm, was unnecessary in American churches in most situations. The value of understanding worldview concepts comes into play when non-biblical beliefs are prominent in a society, and that did not used…
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I Just Can’t Believe They Would Do That!!!

During the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, political leaders were seriously trying to figure out how to deal with the outbreak. They were desperate to implement policies that would keep people safe in the face of this deadly threat. As time moved forward, it became evident that most places…
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