What’s Missing from the Supreme Court?

By now everyone knows that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday, September 18th, at age 87. For several years she battled cancer, so her passing was not unexpected. Consequently, her decease now sets up what promises to be another knock-down drag-out fight in the United
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But I’ve Always Been a Christian! – Tal Davis

The story is told of man who visited some old friends in a different city. That night, as he was sleeping, at about midnight, a train roared by very near to his friend’s house waking him up. The next morning he asked his host family if they heard the train?…
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The Spiritual Nature of the Democrat Party Platform

It is very difficult, these days, to even talk about politics and political policy because most people hold such strong feelings one way or the other that different opinions seem to quickly become fights. The difficulty, though, is not so much expressed in policy. If it were, then discussing, and…
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Cancel Culture in the U.S. Military

Cancel culture is all the rage these days. Cancel culture refers to the practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies that have been deemed to have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. This is probably seen more prominently as a form of group shaming on…
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Sharing Your Faith Based on the News

Beginning a conversation that leads to a witness opportunity can be a very awkward proposition for a lot of people. It is awkward because religion is a subject that does not fit naturally within most people’s everyday conversations where there is no context for discussing faith matters. People generally have…
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