More Light on the New World Translation – The Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible – Part 2 – Tal Davis

You can read part 1 at: Time was, about the only English Bible you could find was the King James Version of 1611. As you probably know, there are now dozens of modern English Bible translations available for sale in bookstores and online. Some of the more popular newer…
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More Light on the New World Translation The Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible – Part 1 – Tal Davis

There may be nothing more annoying than to have your Saturday morning disrupted by a knock on the door and to find two Jehovah’s Witnesses standing on your front porch. You can recognize them immediately because the men will be wearing nice suits and ties, and the women in fashionable…
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Does Faith Represent Reality?: The Biblical Worldview Understanding of Faith

Not too long ago I had a conversation with another Christian about the idea of faith. One of the things that was said to me was that we can’t absolutely “know” that our beliefs are true because we can’t “prove” God. It wouldn’t be “faith” if we absolutely knew. There…
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