Jesus’ Letters to Seven Asian Churches – Part 3: Pergamum – Tal Davis

Following His letters to the churches in Ephesus and Smyrna, the risen Lord Jesus Christ next addresses the congregation in Pergamum. Speaking through His inspired scribe, the elder Apostle John, Jesus delivers to the church’s angel, or pastor, the words He wants the believers to hear. As with the other…
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What Should Christians Look for in a President?

It’s not 100%, but evangelical Christians in America tend to be conservative politically. The reason that tendency exists is not because there is a particular focus on politics. Politics is just one of the places where values get expressed in the culture. But since the other side generally promotes values…
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The Curse of Cultural Christianity

Vivek Ramaswamy was, until just recently, running for president of the United States. After not managing to gain enough support, he finally dropped out of the race. Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to Indian immigrant parents. He attended public schools through eighth grade, then went to St. Xavier High…
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Jesus’ Letters to Seven Asian Churches – Part 2: Smyrna – Tal Davis

In the first installment of this seven part series we recounted how, late in the First Century AD, the aged Apostle John was exiled on the Island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. Patmos lies off the coast of the Roman province of Asia (now eastern Turkey). While languishing there,…
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Church Ministry Vs. Individual Ministry

The Place of Christian Ministry
Where is the Christian life practiced? Different people have different ideas. Some think the proper place to practice their faith is primarily within the church. So, they become involved in the church’s organization in various ways to demonstrate their faithfulness to God. They do this…
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The Culture Wars are a Christian’s Greatest Opportunity

Culture wars are more out in the open than anytime in recent history. The current war in America is primarily a battle between biblical values and naturalistic relativism. We see some of these worldview battles in:
  • The push for pro-abortion legislation at the state level.
  • The NCAA’s unwillingness to protect
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