Another Look at the Church of Scientology? – Tal Davis

Recently one of the jazz world’s biggest stars passed away. For more than fifty years pianist Chick Corea performed with some of the world’s top jazz bands and musicians. A winner of numerous awards, including several Grammys, Corea had a highly successful career in the recording business. So what was…
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No Spiritual Awakening on the Horizon for America?

Recently, someone I respect made a list of reasons why he believes there is no spiritual awakening on the horizon for America. Here are a few of the reasons he gave: ∙ Teaching about biblical worldview among evangelicals has significantly declined over the last 25 years.
∙ Christian news services…
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Watch the Skies! Four Questions About The Second Coming of Christ!: Part 2 – Tal Davis

Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969. The next day newspapers around the world had huge headlines plastered on their front pages. For example, one paper had MAN ON THE MOON! in type that covered the entire top…
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Watch the Skies! Four Questions About The Second Coming of Christ!: Part 1 – Tal Davis

“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24: 27 NASB) Ever wonder where history is going? Wars, diseases, crime … the world situation is bad and does not seem to…
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What Are You Going to Do?

Technology is becoming very sophisticated these days. In fact, it is becoming sophisticated enough that it is getting to the point that technology companies are able to, literally, track your every move. If you carry a cell phone, you are being tracked – not just your movements, but your buying…
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