Get Ready to Go to Jail

After being fast-tracked through the Canadian Parliament in December without extensive debate, Bill C-4 passed into law. It took actual effect on January 8. This law declared that the Christian beliefs that heterosexuality and cisgender identity (the belief that gender corresponds to one’s birth sex) are preferable, are “a myth.”…
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What Do Latter-day Saints and Muslims Have in Common? – Part 3 – Tal Davis

Recently the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released online and in booklet form a pamphlet comparing and contrasting their faith with that of the Muslims. (Read the pamphlet titled Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles: In this four part series we are examining…
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Russian Invasion of Ukraine- A Case of History Repeating Itself?

Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the often quoted statement: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  On November 11, 1918, World War I ended with the Armistice between the western allies and Germany. In June of the next year the Treaty of Versailles was…
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What Do Latter-day Saints and Muslims Have in Common? – Part 2 – Tal Davis

In Part One of this four part series we related that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormons) recently released a pamphlet comparing and contrasting seventeen points of its faith with that of the Muslims. (Read the LDS pamphlet titled Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values,
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What Do Latter-day Saints and Muslims Have in Common? – Part 1 – Tal Davis

Two religious groups which have garnered a great deal of attention in the United States over the last couple of decades are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA: LDS or Mormons) and the world religion of Islam (whose followers are called Muslims). Both of those religious movements…
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Wrong Beliefs Lead to Wrong Outcomes

Recently, Ross Douthat wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times. Douthat is Roman Catholic, and is a Times opinion columnist who writes particularly about politics, religion, moral values, and higher education. Now being a New York Times opinion writer, it is not difficult to guess where his political…
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