Will God Save Russia from Its Enemies (Like the USA and NATO)?

Last year I posted a couple of blogs concerning the support being given by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine. We explained how, years ago, Putin made a personal promise to the highest leaders of the ROC: Moscow Patriarch Kirill; Metropolitan Tikhon of…
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Does Transgender Actually Exist?

Culture war issues are pervasive these days in American society, and one of the most prominent (and most fierce) is the battle over transgenderism. And some of the expressions of this battle are, literally, insane. But as you might expect, those who support the transgender movement see it differently. They…
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Do You Know the Attributes of God? – Tal Davis

If you are a regular reader of our www.MarketFaith.org website, you know that there are four basic worldview systems to which all people adhere (even if they don’t know it). Those worldviews include Theism, Naturalism, Animism, and Far Eastern Thought. It is true that there are a number of religious…
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the “Respect for Marriage Act” – Tal Davis

Recently we did a three part article series highlighting the fact that a new temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly known as the Mormons or LDS) is being built in Tallahassee, Florida. Read the full article here: Part 1: http://www.marketfaith.org/2022/06/mormon-temples-part-1-introduction-and-the-history-of-mormon-temples-tal-davis/ Part 2: http://www.marketfaith.org/2022/06/mormon-temples-part-2-temple-endowments-tal-davis/ Part 3:…
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