Matching up with Jesus

A psychology professor at Stanford University recently had a survey published of respondents who self-identify as Christians. He wanted to see how people’s political views corresponded with the teachings of their faith. Bottom line – not very well. In the survey, both liberal and conservative Christians expressed the opinion that…
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So You Think it Couldn’t Happen Here?

Dateline Ireland: A Roman Catholic priest is being accused of committing a hate crime by a Humanist who was offended by the priest’s references to secularism in a sermon. The priest said, in his homily, that Ireland’s Roman Catholic Church was being “attacked from outside by the arrows of a…
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Those Gullible Christians?

Evangelical Christians are naïve, unintelligent, easily led, irrational, anti-scientific, and intolerant, right? If you read some comments on the secular blogs and articles in the mass media you would sure think so. But does that perception actually reflect reality? Not according a recent poll done by The Baylor Institute for
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Dr. Phil? Are You Kidding?

On January 10, Dr. Phil did something that literally shocked me. He did a show with some well known psychic mediums and even allowed them to give readings to himself and to audience members. In the process, he actually even endorsed their work. In the past, Dr. Phil had given…
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