Human Cloning Front and Center

Well, they have done it. Scientists at Oregon Health & Science University claim to have overcome the barriers for creating human embryonic stem cells. It seems that these scientists have been able to create an embryo in the lab that is capable of developing into a human being. These scientists…
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Sharing with Haters

Freddy Davis shares some ways for Christians to interact with people who are determined to put down Christians and the Christian faith.
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Time to Call Evil EVIL!

The recent events in Boston have again raised the level of consciousness in America about the continuing (and growing) threat of radical Jihadist Islam. It amazes me, however, how the present administration and many in the mainstream media are so reluctant to call it Islamic terrorism. Too many liberal pundits…
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The Rise of the “None of the Aboves”

America has become such a contradictory place. We are becoming more secular in some ways but continue to be as spiritual as we were in the past. How can that be? Recently, the Pew Research Center did some polling to get a handle on this. Basically what we see is…
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