Polygamy: The LDS Legacy That Won’t Go Away

In 1890, Wilford Woodruff, the then President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), issued a “Declaration” that, in effect ,suspended the Mormon doctrine of plural marriage (polygamy). Actually, polygamy was a notorious doctrine and practice of the LDS since the time of Joseph Smith. The practice…
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The Religion of Nothing

The religion of nothing? What is that? Well, it is actually a real religion. The religion of nothing is any expression of Naturalism – Atheism, Postmodernism, Secular Humanism, Marxism, and the like. It is a very deceptive religion because nothing is really not nothing – it is something. If you…
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The Christmas Fight

Over the last several years, there has begun a great fight in America’s public square. In recent years, this fight has been very visible at Christmas. On one side are Christians who have, traditionally, expressed the joy of Christmas by placing Christian symbols in public places. On the other side…
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Those Pitiable Atheists

I’ve commented on this topic before, but this time there is a little different twist. Over the last several years, certain Atheist groups have put up billboards to promote their Atheist religion. Sadly, what they do most of the time is not to tout the merits of what they believe…
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A Day We Shouldn’t Forget (But not just for the reason you think)

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was late Friday afternoon in Mrs. Farrell’s sixth-grade class at the old Sealey Elementary School on 7th Avenue in Tallahassee. A guy named Joe and I were having fun slicing construction paper with a paper-cutter and looking forward to the weekend
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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

I have been thinking a lot, lately, about what is going on in the U.S. these days, particularly as it relates to the actions of the president. Now, I certainly do have my issues with him related to his policy agenda. There is not really much I agree with him…
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