Christian Science: Christian or Science (which is it)?

The answer to the above question is that it is really neither one! Christian Science cannot rightly be regarded as either having a Christian theistic worldview or as a form of naturalistic science. Below is a brief overview of the history, and a point by point explanations of the beliefs,…
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Pet Parent?

Now the term “Pet Parent” seems innocent enough, doesn’t it? These days, it seems that pet advocates are encouraging pet owners to consider themselves “Pet Parents.” The idea is that people should feel as emotionally and financially invested in their pets as real parents are in their children. After all,…
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What Do You Know About Scientology?

Over the last several years the Church of Scientology has made headlines around the world. This notoriety is due primarily to the fact that a number of famous Hollywood actors and musicians are adherents to that bizarre pseudo-religion. But what do most people really know about Scientology? Take this short…
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Why Phil Robertson is Wrong, and Right

There has been a LOT of talk recently about Phil Robertson being suspended from the hit reality TV show, Duck Dynasty. As for me, I have been in conversations with and listened to conversations by people from all three sides of the controversy – those who back Phil, those who…
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