To Pray or Not to Pray

There has been a lot of controversy over the last several decades over whether or not prayer should be allowed at public venues. Obviously, there were the two supreme court cases in 1962 and 63 when prayer was banned in public schools. Fast forward to the recent Supreme Court ruling…
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Why Is it Okay to Promote Pornography in Our Schools?

Should our children be exposed to pornography in their schools as a part of the curriculum? Seemingly, the answer is yes at Gilford High School in New Hampshire. Of course, Gilford is not the only school where this is acceptable, but it is the most recent example that has made…
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Two Popes – Two New Saints – But What is a “Saint?”

Few are the people who we can say that their lives had world changing effect. In the 20th Century two such men were Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963) and Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005). You probably know them by their better remembered names of Pope John XXIII (served 1958-1963) and Pope John…
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