Conversation with a Nihilist

In the following dialog, I have a conversation with a person who wanted to challenge belief in a Christian worldview. “The Nihilistic Potato” began this conversation based on a video I had posted on YouTube. This video was called “Can Atheists Be Moral?” You can view it at: The…
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What is the “Real” Church? Part 2

In the previous installment I mentioned how, in the 19th century, one very intense debate among Christian groups was over the answer to the question: What is the real church? One denomination would claim it was the true New Testament Church. Another would say it was the true inheritor of…
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Citizenship Stewardship

Well, the election is over and we are now in the process of moving forward to the next phase of political life in America. I hope you voted. Regardless of your personal point of view, if you are a Christian, you have a responsibility to vote in every election. When…
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What is the “Real” Church? Part 1

I have been privileged to participate in worship services in various parts of the United States and around the world. I have been amazed by the diversity of cultural styles that characterize Christian churches. Some churches are “high church” with meticulously prescribed rituals. Others, at the other end of the…
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Modern Society is More Resistant to Church

George Barna is a researcher who does polling in the U.S. for the purpose of understanding societal trends more fully – particularly as it relates to Christianity. Based on recent polling, he has picked up on five trends among those in American culture who are unchurched. These trends are:
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