Does Christianity Conflict with Science?

The 20th Century produced a scientific explosion of knowledge and technology which continues today. It has been said that scientific knowledge actually doubles every ten years, and that 80% of all scientists who have ever lived are alive today. Similarly, 80% or more of all medicines have been developed since…
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Conversation with a Baha’i Believer

It is quite possible that you are not very familiar with the Baha’i faith. It is considered a world religion, though one of the newest and smallest. While their numbers are not that large, the influence they wield is quite out of proportion to their numbers. They have managed to…
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What Worldview Is Not

There is a lot of talk these days about the topic of worldview. It is not unusual to hear the word used by people who are discussing the current state of society. In addition to that, there is no shortage of magazine, newspaper, and online articles which refer to worldview,…
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Eight Questions for Evaluating Religious Movements – Part 2

In the previous installment I indicated that, based on my decades of studying various faith groups and belief systems, I have determined eight key questions that Christians need to ask to adequately evaluate religious movements. I am convinced that there exists a desperate need for believers to investigate the tenets…
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What is Normal?

Honestly, our society is going stark raving mad. It is literal insanity when the 10 Commandments must come down from the courthouse walls because it is an offense, but if anyone objects to bathing the White House in the colors of the flag of the homosexual rights movement, they are…
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Are Christians on the Losing Side of History?

Not too long back, someone e-mailed me because they didn’t like a blog I wrote about biblical worldview beliefs concerning sexuality. You can read, if you like, at: In this e-mail, a person named Mario asserted: You’re so brainwashed by your religion that you can’t even see what’s going…
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