Debate with Naturalist M.N. from Facebook

A Facebook friend of mine posted a meme that showed up on my timeline. This meme said, “Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does.” As that represents a naturalistic worldview concept, I thought I would take the opportunity to clarify with a comment of my own…
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Spotting Resistance to a Biblical Worldview

In today’s world, there are certain times when we ought to expect resistance when we express our beliefs based on a biblical worldview. On the other hand, there are other times we will find opposition and be surprised to see it. We expect resistance when the people who push back…
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Whatever Happened to the New Age Movement?

If you were a Christian back in the 1980s and 90s, or even if you were not, you almost certainly heard a lot about the then burgeoning New Age Movement (NAM). You may have even been involved in it one way or another and, perhaps, did not even know it.…
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The Courts Silence Pastors

We are seeing more and more laws passed, and court decisions handed down, that are chipping away at one of our first freedoms – the freedom of religion. This started in earnest several years ago with the push to legitimize homosexual marriage. In those initial efforts, the push was primarily…
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Lies, All Lies

One of the biggest losers in modern American society is the truth. Naturalism, the chief competitor to the Christian faith in our day, has now become the dominant worldview in the culture – and it is systematically stamping out truth. Naturalism is the belief that the natural universe is all…
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