Facebook Dialog

As most of you know, most of the things that get posted on your Facebook page are from friends. But sometimes things also get posted from friends of friends. Today’s dialog originated in that fashion. It was a video of Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence giving a speech in which…
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Going to Church Is Not Enough

Some people make a lot of the fact that America is a “Christian nation.” But are we really? I know, in one sense, we started out that way. America’s founders were almost exclusively Christians, and they deliberately and specifically established our form of government based on biblical principles. And even…
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It May Already Be Too Late

As I write this, I must admit that I feel pretty lousy. I am not physically ill, but I am a bit discouraged. I feel that the special place called America is in a death spiral from which I am not sure there is a path to recovery. What has…
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Simple, But Not Easy

When we look at what is going on in the country today, how can anyone not be concerned. Of course, part of the concern is what is happening in the political arena. But that is only one symptom of a much deeper problem. Other symptoms include the massive number of…
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How Do We Decide What’s Good or Bad?

“Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking I had something to protect.
Good and bad, I define these terms quite clear, no doubt, somehow.
Ah, but I was so much older then I’m younger than that now.”
Bob Dylan “My Back…
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Truth, Love, and the Truth in Love

1 The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all who know the truth, 2 for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever: 3 Grace, mercy and peace will be
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