Dishonesty out the Wazoo

I try to stay out of a lot of debates about various political issues that are going on in the country – things like gun control, political protests, issues related to the president’s personal life, and the like. My reason for doing that is because in the grand scheme of…
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Worldview Discussion on Facebook with a Sociologist

What follows is a conversation that took place on Facebook. Someone I am connected with posted the following meme. As I considered it not true and a slam at my Christian worldview perspective, I commented and a conversation ensued. The initial commentors didn’t have much to say, but very quickly…
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Non-Essential Christian Doctrines: Part 4 – Tongues

[Note: One of the most important things an understanding of worldview brings to us is a clear picture of the outer limits of the various belief systems that exist in the world. By understanding how a belief system answers the three worldview questions (Who is God? What is man? What
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