The Truth About the Salvation Army: Part 2 – Beliefs

In the previous installment of this two part series, we related how during the Christmas season each year we often see people ringing bells and collecting donations for the Salvation Army. We also remarked that most people assume that the organization is basically a relief agency whose primary purpose is…
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The Worldview Basis of White Privilege

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. You, no doubt, recognize these immortal words of Martin Luther King, Jr. They express one…
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Update on The Way International and Its Offspring

Recently we have received several inquiries about an old topic: The Way International and its offshoots. Several years ago we produced an article on that subject titled “Whatever Happened to the Way International?” In this installment we repeat some of the information we presented then but will try to update…
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