Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Egyptian Gods

The ancient Egyptian religion was an animistic belief system that expressed itself as a set of polytheistic beliefs and rituals. Its underlying worldview beliefs assumed that humans could interact with various deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces of nature. People would…
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The Non-Christian Beliefs of Modern Liberalism

Modern American Liberalism is typically associated with politics, not with religion. That said, the worldview beliefs that are associated with it are decidedly religious. Modern Liberal beliefs have, as their worldview foundation, Naturalism – which is an atheistic faith system. There are, of course, many people who consider themselves both…
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The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 5

In this ten part series we are studying in depth the Ten Commandments. Probably no ancient legal code is better known in the Western World than these ten precepts given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. But, as we have discussed, most people today are only vaguely familiar with…
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The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 4

Ever been riding around town on a typical Saturday morning, going shopping, doing sports, going out to eat breakfast? You may have observed that nearly all churches are usually closed on Saturdays. Sure you have, but did you happen to notice a few church buildings looked busy with cars parked…
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