Who Determines What Is Sin?

Frankly, I am a little surprised. On Monday, March 15, 2021, the Pope decreed that Roman Catholic priests could not bless same-sex marriages. In the past, he has gone out of his way to invite LGBT advocates to the Vatican, and he has spoken favorably about the place of gay people in the church. In fact, he has gone so far as to call for national laws that would legalize same-sex civil unions. But apparently, there is a limit to how far he is willing to go regarding this subject.

I was particularly shocked at the way he made his pronouncement. He stated that same-sex unions are “not ordered to the Creator’s plan,” he called those unions “illicit,” and he said that “God cannot bless sin.” Wow, just wow! Who knew?

Of course, this has certain segments of the world population quite up in arms, particularly homosexuals who consider themselves Catholic. I have been reading all kinds of articles written by Catholics, some of them life-long church members, who are leaving the Roman church for more “welcoming” congregations. And it also seems that there is a significant contingent within the church leadership that are really ticked off.

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