Rob Hoogland, a mail carrier who lives in Vancouver British Columbia, is in jail. His crime? He refused to give permission to his fourteen year old daughter to take gender transitioning drugs, referred (and continues referring) to her as a girl, and has been speaking out publicly about it contrary to a judges orders. Yes, you read that right! Laws in Canada provide that young children are eligible to receive gender altering drugs without any parental consent or knowledge, and the parents are required to allow it. Hoogland was sentenced to six months in prison and fined $30,000.00 for his efforts. And lest you think that is too off the wall for America, there is already a bill being introduced in the U.S. Congress that will do the same here.

Of course, the very idea of allowing young children to make decisions of that nature is simply evil. And the fact that parents are shut out of the process is doubly egregious. This is political correctness run amuck. The personal consequences, for both children and parents, will be devastating. And the ultimate effects on society will be equally tragic. It will destroy people’s health, rip families apart, and completely undermine the very fabric of society.

But where in the world does this kind of moral direction come from? It comes from people who hold worldview beliefs that do not reflect reality. These people honestly believe that allowing gender transition for children is a good thing. They believe that children who demonstrate gender dysphoria (a feeling that one’s body doesn’t match their physical sex) must be allowed to physically transition to the other sex in order to keep them psychologically healthy. They truly believe that parents who get in the way of that transition are abusing their children (which, by the way, was one of the charges against Mr. Hoogland). They honestly believe that human sexuality is a psychological construct before it is a physical one, and that a healthy society must recognize that as a fact. These people live in a fantasy world.

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