The Church’s Acceptance of Non-biblical Beliefs

Dr. Raphael Warnock has been the senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia since 2005. This is the church that was formerly pastored by Martin Luther King, Jr. But that is not all. He is now also a U.S. Senator from the state of Georgia. This is a rather remarkable accomplishment, and should be a reason for Christians to rejoice. It is always a good thing to have people in positions of influence who hold biblical values.

The only problem is, Warnock does not hold biblical values. His value system is a relativist one that supports the moral imperatives of the Social Justice Movement. He received his theological training at Union Theological Seminary in New York, one of the most theologically liberal seminaries in the nation. This school teaches a form of theology that understands salvation in terms of advancing social justice in this world, as opposed to the spiritual salvation taught in the Bible. The specific focus of Warnock’s political focus is pro-abortion, anti capital punishment, pro gun control, and he is supportive of illegal immigration, LGBT rights, and legislation that makes it more difficult to monitor the voting process.

On Easter Sunday, Warnock posted a tweet that said, “The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” He went on to write, “Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves.” Of course, this is absolutely a false gospel.

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