I had an interesting experience the other day. I can’t say it was a particularly pleasant experience … in fact, I found it rather sad.

What happened was that I got a call from a 90 year old man who had read an article on the MarketFaith Ministries website that I wrote over ten years ago. It was an article explaining the basic beliefs of Deism.

This man told me that the beliefs about Deism that I had described in the article had so resonated with him that it just made him real happy. At this point, you need to understand two things. First, the article explained the basic beliefs of Deism and why that belief system is NOT true. Second, he didn’t care what I said about the fact the Deism is not true, he was excited because it was the first time he had seen beliefs that he agreed with actually spelled out in black and white.

He shared with me that he grew up in a Baptist church and even had relatives and ancestors, including his dad, that were preachers. He went on to share with me that he had been disbelieving the Christian faith for about 50 years. During that time he sought to express what he did come to believe, and after reading my article recognized it to be Deism – he believes God exists, but that He is not personal and has not revealed Himself to mankind. This man believes that God simply created the natural universe, and now just lets it run on its own without His interference or input in any way.

Continue reading here.

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