The Covid-19 virus has spread across the globe aver the past several months. Millions have been infected and thousands have died. All the evidence points to its origin as being in Wuhan, China. For weeks the Chinese government kept a tight lid on information about the epidemic, now pandemic, releasing only what it felt would fit its narrative. Exactly how the virus began is not clear. The Chinese, at first, said it started in a “wet market” in the city’s animal butchering district. Now they seem to want their people to believe it was a plot by the United States. Many observers think the virus actually was released by poor security controls at a Wuhan Virology Institute.
However, the pandemic started, one thing is clear. The government of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has obfuscated the truth about in every way they can, even duping the World Health Organization (WHO). Which brings us to the point of this blog. The Chinese government, and all the country’s media, since 1949 when Mao Zedong took power, is completely controlled by the Communist Party of China (CPC). That means, in a country of 1.3 billion citizens, less than 10% (about 90 million) actually participate in the affairs of state at any level.
The truth is, all government policy is dictated from the top down, starting with the current CPC General Secretary and PRC President, Xi Jinping (b. 1953), and six other members of the CPC’s Standing Committee. Xi, in recent years, has consolidated his power to such an extent that he now rules as a virtual dictator with absolute authority over the whole country. His personality cult is now on par with that of the legacies of former CPC leaders Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.
Communism is grounded in the 19th century philosophical writings of Karl Marx. In Marxist ideology, the basis of the CPC, and all other communist parties still in existence, truth is what the Communist Party says it is. History is what the Communist Party says it was. And it could change at any moment, depending on what the party leaders decree. Any dissenting views are systematically squashed and, if the offending dissenters do not conform, they are silenced, imprisoned, or even executed.
If you follow this website, you know that Marxism is an example of the Naturalistic worldview. Marxists reject belief in God or gods. They blindly think their communist system is based on purely scientific principles. Christian churches and other theistic religions are suppressed and, in many instances, heavily persecuted by government agents. The point is, we now see, with the Covid-19 pandemic, how this distorted ideology is still operating on the same fallacious principles it has for over a century. The Communist Party decides what is true about the disease and then feeds its propaganda line to the media for dispersion to the people. As Christians we must support those who work to get the real truth to the people of China and to the world.

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