Recently I came across an article about the religion of the various Democrat candidates for president. As I looked it over, it seems that most of them claim religious affiliation with faith groups that are considered socially and politically liberal. The groups that are decidedly that way as a denomination include Episcopal, United Church of Christ, and the Reformed Church in America. There are some other candidates who are affiliated with denominations that are split, though the candidates themselves identify with the socially liberal side – faiths such as Methodist, Jewish, and Roman Catholic. Interestingly, one of the candidates claims to be a Hindu. Beyond that, even though every one of them claims some religious affiliation, there are some who identify more as “spiritual,” “non-observant,” or “non-practicing.”

Regardless of the particular faith individuals self-identify with, every one of them support the platform of the Democrat party. As we look at the elements of the platform, it is easy to see why none of these people identify with faith organizations that are considered evangelical or theologically conservative. The Democrat party platform is very heavy with socialist economic policy, and with anti-biblical social policy. They advocate such things as a $15.00/hr. minimum wage, universal government paid healthcare, universal preschool and government subsidized college, affirmative action, pro-abortion policies, support for illegal immigration, special rights for homosexuals, and the like.

Interestingly, nearly all of the Democrat candidates point to their religious faith as one of the primary reasons for supporting the platform, some even going so far as to have an interfaith advisory council to show religious support for their policies.

The reason for pointing all of this out is not to make a political point. Of course, since we are dealing with a topic that is centered in politics, it is impossible to keep politics out of the mix. However, the point we are looking at here is not political, it is religious.

The truth is, every arena of life expresses the religious beliefs of the people who participate in them – whether we are dealing with business, education, arts and entertainment, church, or politics. Every point of view that anyone expresses about virtually any topic has an underlying set of worldview beliefs that it rests upon – and these beliefs are inherently religious. It so happens that the beliefs expressed by the party platform of the Democrat party, as it now stands, are based on Naturalism.

Naturalism is the belief that the natural universe is all that exists. As such it is inherently atheistic. This does not, of course, mean that the party’s candidates are Atheists. What it does mean, though, is that the candidates are expressing and promoting beliefs that are based on a foundation that is supported by atheistic reasoning.

While there is very strong evidence that some of the candidates actually reject faith in Christ out of hand, I would never presume to judge the eternal destiny of any of them. I cannot be the judge of their salvation. However, I can be a fruit inspector, and those who bear fruit that comes from non-biblical beliefs must be rejected.

While I cannot, and will not, judge the individuals, I have no hesitation in judging the positions they hold. The party platform of the Democrat party is almost completely anti-Christian. It rejects the biblical understanding of God and of man, and it promotes a concept of salvation based on good works and temporal economic advantage. I personally don’t see how any biblical Christian can support the kinds of policies that emerge from their party platform. To do so is to place the values of atheistic Naturalism above biblical beliefs.

2 comments on “Religion and the Democrat Party Platform

  1. Ginger Spooner on

    This is a very true article. So many people today are boasting of being Christian, when their churches reject some of the teachings of the Bible – like homosexuality, not working to provide for their families , taking from the rich to give to the poor, abortion (how horrible to kill the innocent little babies), liberal views preached from the pulpit, entertainment instead of the Gospel, etc and etc. Hopefully the world wide pandemic will be a wake up call for people to turn to Christ. I love the commercials with a true religious message during this time, and Franklin Graham’s simple message of salvation. We all need Christ and Him alone, especially during this time.

  2. Jeffrey Fowler on

    As this article has pointed out, the views of man are the make up of religion. Christianity is relational and not subject to the views of men. Communicating with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, we view the Triune God as a person. The base element of Christianity is Belief and that belief in Christ Jesus, the prophecy’s of who he is and of His crucifixion, being buried, and rising from death, hell, and the grave, is that foundational Faith and by Grace we are saved. The empty cross and tomb, are the proof of God, and the deity of Christ Jesus as it was prophesied. Everything Jesus told His disciples happened as He said it would. Blessed are those that haven’t seen, yet believe. Praise God and give thanks for His Son that paid our sin debt in full.


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