As anyone who has ever taken biology in a public school knows, Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution says that evolution occurs when organisms are changed incrementally over long periods of time in order to be better adapted to their environment. This is called natural selection. According to Darwin this process is entirely the result time and chance, with no intelligent direction needed. Darwin, however, did not know exactly how the small changes could have happened.


In the last century this theory was updated by the discovery by James Watson and Francis Crick of the DNA double helix. The updated theory is now known as “Neo-Darwinism.” What Watson and Crick learned was that DNA, the chemical chains that produce proteins that determine the characteristics of an organism, are based on a four set digital code, somewhat like the code written into a computer program. They are aligned in the strands of two interlocking helixes. Every aspect of the organism’s body is coded into its DNA which is found in every one of its cells from the moment its initial zygote is fertilized at conception. According to Neo-Darwinism, the mechanism that makes for the changes in the organisms are random molecular mutations in the DNA code.


As we have shown this process does operate on superficial levels within species. However, and this is a critical problem for evolutionary biologists, the amount of new information necessary for any significant changes in the DNA code to appear by pure chance is virtually mathematically impossible. The problem is that rearranging DNA sequences to make positive functional mutations at the even lowest levels are extremely rare. In fact, as biologist Douglas Axe has demonstrated, the ration of negative nonfunctional sequences to even one (only one!) positive sequence is one in 10 to the 77th power (that is 1 followed by 77 zeroes). As Axe explains, that is more than the number of atoms in a trillion Milky Way sized galaxies!


What’s the point? Just that the long and currently dogmatically held theory of Darwinian Evolution and newer Neo-Darwinism are facing an ever growing number of skeptics. These scientific skeptics can no longer be dismissed by the secular scientific community as ignorant Christian fundamentalists. The truth is, Darwin’s theory that has been a bastion of naturalistic thought for nearly two centuries is beginning to show major cracks in its foundation. In my opinion, in this century it will become even more evident that life on earth could never have appeared and be so diverse by chance alone and without the infinite power of an Intelligent Designer (God).


To learn more about these new discoveries in biology go to this link at the Prager University website:



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