Those of you who have followed my blogs for any length of time know that I don’t have a high regard for most of the social sciences. The reason for that is that the things the social sciences try to measure and analyze are not subject to scientific analysis.

So called “Hard Sciences consist of any of the natural or physical sciences – fields such as chemistry, biology, physics, and astronomy. Hard science at least has actual material stuff that scientists are able to investigate by means of observation and experimentation.

The social sciences, on the other hand (often called “Soft Sciences”), include such fields as psychology, sociology, and anthropology. These deal with matters that can’t be physically observed and experimented upon. In the hard sciences, it is possible to take measurements and manipulate various elements of nature. The best you can do when researching using the soft sciences, however, is to take polls and compute means and averages.

The big problem you run into with the soft sciences is (Click here to continue reading)

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