When the state of Texas passed the fetal heartbeat bill that forbade abortion after a fetal heartbeat could be detected, pro-abortionists went nuts. Lawsuits were filed, condemnation flowed on social media and in the mainstream news, and politicians on the Left began ranting and raving.

In the place where I live, the City of Tallahassee, Florida, the city commission took it upon themselves to issue a resolution imploring the state legislature and the governor to reject that kind of action. Rather, they called on these state leaders to implement pro-abortion policies.

Now it needs to be understood, that a resolution like this has no power or authority at all. It is simply a statement designed to express the sentiment of the commission members. Well, when they put the resolution on the docket the first time, they pulled it the day before the commission meeting in order to tweak it a bit more. However, it was ready to go for the next meeting and ending up passing by a 3-2 vote.

This resolution clearly outlines the thinking of pro-abortionists, so I believe it is worth looking at and understanding. It is important for Christians to understand not only what pro-abortionists believe, but why they believe it. The resolution lays that out pretty clearly.

As a Christian, I find the beliefs expressed in the resolution appalling. They totally disregard the value of human life in lieu of valuing the personal feelings or preferences of another person – expressing values that come straight out of atheistic relativism.

When I became aware of the commission’s intention to put forth this resolution, I submitted a counter resolution that expressed Christian values. I have no idea whether or not anyone even read my submission, as they have tried to bury this a quickly as they could.

What you will find below are the two competing resolutions – the one passed by the city commission first, followed by my own. It is my hope that by comparing these two side-by-side, you will not only see the problems associated with the atheistic approach, but will find information that will help you share Christ more effectively by being able to express biblical values.

Resolution No. 21-R-30


WHEREAS, abortion is a constitutional right and remains legal in all 50 states; and

WHEREAS, access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including abortion, contraception, prenatal care, labor and delivery services, and postpartum care, are necessary for people’s overall health, and healthcare is a fundamental human right; and

WHEREAS, every person, regardless of race, gender identity, income level, age, and immigration status, should have access to the full range of reproductive healthcare, starting before they ever become pregnant and including contraception, abortion, and prenatal and postpartum care; and

WHEREAS, the ability of women who can become pregnant to access safe and legal abortion when they need it is also a critical component of their health and dignity, as well as independence, freedom, and social and economic equality; and

WHEREAS, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in the United States, and experts at the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine published a study in 2018 confirming that scientific evidence consistently indicates that legal abortions in the U.S. are clearly safe; and

WHEREAS, according to leading public health organizations such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American  Medical Association, and the American Academy of Family Physicians blocking access to legal abortion “jeopardize(s) women’s health”; and

WHEREAS, the impact of abortion restrictions is predominantly felt by those who already experience barriers to healthcare, including young people, people of color and those with disabilities, people with low incomes, immigrants of all statuses, and people who live in rural areas; and

WHEREAS, Florida continues to pass laws restricting abortion access, including restricting young people’s access to abortion care, and has funded anti-abortion pregnancy centers. Additionally, they have attempted to pass other restrictive laws such as targeted regulation of abortion providers, otherwise known as TRAP laws, that are medically unnecessary and pose an undue burden on abortion providers, and even an all-out abortion ban; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Tallahassee supports all legislative efforts to protect and strengthen Florida citizens’ right to abortion, reproductive healthcare, and individual choice to make reproductive decisions about their own bodies; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Tallahassee urges the Florida Legislature to join other states in protecting and promoting access to reproductive healthcare and the fundamental right to abortion by doing the following: (1) promoting preventive healthcare services for all; (2) ensuring that every individual has access to comprehensive, affordable healthcare that includes pregnancy-related care, including prenatal care, miscarriage management, family planning services, abortion care, labor and delivery services, and postnatal care; and (3) improving access to reproductive healthcare; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer-Clerk of the City of Tallahassee shall cause a certified copy of this resolution to be sent to the Governor of the State of Florida, to the Senate, House, and local delegation to the State Legislature.

ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Tallahassee this 27th day of October, 2021.


Substitute for Resolution 21-R-30


WHEREAS, abortion is the immoral practice of the murder of innocent human life, which is illegal in all 50 states; and

WHEREAS, abortion is not an actual element of reproductive healthcare, and is not necessary for people’s overall health; and

WHEREAS, every person, including preborn babies, should have access to the full range of actual healthcare; and

WHEREAS, innocent preborn babies are unable to speak for themselves for the purpose of maintaining the constitutionally guaranteed rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and

WHEREAS, abortion is totally unsafe as it is guaranteed to kill an innocent human life every time it is performed; and

WHEREAS, according to every known biological law, access to abortion jeopardizes every baby’s life and health; and

WHEREAS, the impact of abortion is predominantly felt by those who already experience barriers to healthcare, in particular the preborn babies who have no advocate to speak on their behalf; and

WHEREAS, many government officials continually seek to pass laws designed to end the life of the most innocent and vulnerable among us,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Commissioners support all legislative efforts to protect the life and health of innocent preborn babies by ending the practice of legalized child murder.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer-Clerk of the City of Tallahassee shall cause a certified copy of this resolution to be sent to the Governor of the State of Florida, to the Senate, House, and local delegation to the State Legislature.

Make no mistake about it, abortion is the murder of innocent human life. It is immoral on that point alone. At the same time, those who believe that abortion is legitimate healthcare operate based on non-biblical beliefs. They truly believe that a woman has the absolute right to terminate the life of a baby because the baby is growing inside their body.

This belief is operative at a worldview level. It is, literally, how they understand reality to be structured. As such, there is only one way that this belief can ever be changed – by a spiritual transformation. The legal fight against abortion is a worthy fight in and of itself, but it is, ultimately, a superficial fight. The real fight must be done at a spiritual level. People who believe abortion is a good thing need Christ to change their hearts and minds. In the end, that is the only thing that will change the situation.

© 2021 Freddy Davis

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