If you have any doubt about the ultimate implications of naturalistic worldview beliefs, here is another story for you.

Paivi Rasanen is being taken to court and charged with hate speech against homosexuals. Lest you think she is just some crack pot, take a look at her credentials:

She is a medical doctor by education, and entered politics in the early 1990s. She has been in the Riihimaki City Council since 1993, and in the Finnish Parliament since 1995. From 2004 ~ 2015 she was the chairperson of the Christian Democratic Party, and from 2011 ~ 2015 she was the Finnish Minister of the Interior – responsible for internal security and migration. She was also involved with church affairs at the Ministry of Education and Culture, and for matters relating to customs in the Ministry of Finance.

Ms. Rasanen has now had three charges filed against her. Continue reading here.

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