Seattle Pacific University (SPU) is a Christian college in Washington state. It was originally founded in 1891 in conjunction with the Oregon and Washington Conference of the Free Methodist Church, as the Seattle Seminary. Somewhere along the way, the university has lost its way.

With all of the secular, non-biblical beliefs that are becoming institutionalized in so many institutions of higher learning, even Christian schools, the Board of Trustees of this Christian college wanted to make sure that they were able to remain faithful to the Bible. To do this, they decided to issue a statement on human sexuality that affirmed several biblical beliefs:

  • Human beings are created in the image of God.
  • All human beings are of ultimate worth.
  • Human sexuality reflects the entirety of human relational createdness and is not a matter of genital sex alone.
  •  Marriage and family are central to God’s purposes and is limited to the covenant between a man and a woman.
  • Staffers are expected to refrain from sexually immoral behavior that is inconsistent with biblical standards, including cohabitation and extramarital sexual activity.

Well, the outcry that resulted might make one think that they were advocating indiscriminate murder. The faculty of this “Christian” college held a vote of “no confidence” in the school’s board of trustees with 72% of respondents voting in favor.

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