Issue 19-11

2 comments on “A Worldview Perspective on Bible Study – PDF

  1. Anony on

    Can you refute/rebut this argument?
    “If God is omnipotent, can He create something bigger/better/beyond Himself? If He cannot, He seems to be not omnipotent.”

    This argument is where I have to use the Heart and Soul part of “Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength” (paraphase). I don’t know how to address this without simply resisting the argument or.. you know what. God is omnipotent according to a plain reading of Scripture so obviously, the argument MUST have some flaw in it.

    Thank you for rebutting,

    • Freddy Davis on

      The very question defies reality. There is no possibility of there being anything like that. Just because someone can imagine an unreal option does not make it real. Other people have proposed similar questions like: “Can God make a round circle?” Questions like that are just absurd and are attempts to define reality in ways that reality doesn’t exist.


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