Mormon Temples – Part 2 – Temple Endowments – Tal Davis

In part one of this three part series, we reviewed the history of Mormon temples, from the first one built in Kirtland, Ohio, to the ones now under construction (read it at: As we said, if you live in Tallahassee, Florida, you may be aware of a new…
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Mormon Temples – Part 1 – Introduction and The History of Mormon Temples – Tal Davis

If you live in or near Tallahassee, Florida, and have recently driven on Thomasville Road about a mile north of the Killearn Estates entrance, you may have noticed a large building project taking place. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly known as Mormons or LDS) is…
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Unfortunate Interaction with a Pastor

There has been a lot of buzz in the Christian community in recent times related to some of the polling George Barna has done regarding the relatively low numbers of self-identified Christians in America who actually hold a biblical worldview. Well, some new numbers have stirred the pot once again.…
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Dialog with a British Atheist

Recently I posted a video on YouTube for the MarketFaith Ministries website entitled “What is Religion?” (You can view it at: This one was particularly making the point that Atheism is a religious point of view. I think there are some Atheists who seek out these kinds of…
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