Recently, students in a Christian Worldview class at a Christian school in Louisville, Kentucky, were given an assignment to “write a letter to a friend of your same gender who is struggling with homosexuality. … The aim of your letter should be to lovingly and compassionately speak truth to the person you’re talking to in a way that does not approve of any sin. Instead, try to persuade them of the goodness of God’s design for them.”

Shortly thereafter, the parents of a friend of one of the students got wind of the assignment and pushed it out on social media in an effort to “expose” this horrible thing. From there, The Louisville Courier Journal, Louisville, Kentucky’s paper of record, got wind of the social media post and printed an article about it. And from there, media from all over the country jumped on it. And jump on it they did! Condemnation has poured out on this school from all over the country by both the news media and on social media. I mean, after all, what in the world is a Christian school doing promoting biblical teachings and Christian values? The shame of it all! Who could even imagine such a thing? (My best attempt at sarcasm. I had to insert this disclaimer because it seems that these days a lot of people are not intelligent enough to recognize it. SMH)

Well folks, that is what it has come to these days. But this kind of attack (Click here to continue reading.)

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