Yes, Satan Clubs are a real thing. They are the brainchild of The Satanic Temple and are meant as a push back against the Christian Good News Clubs that exist in about 5000 schools nationwide. Before going deeper with our discussion, though, we need to take a moment to understand what The Satanic Temple is, and also what Satan Clubs are. The names are a actually a bit deceptive.

First of all, The Satanic Temple is not an organization that has anything to do with worshiping Satan. The group uses Satanic imagery to get attention as they seek to “encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits.” The “Satan” imagery is actually just an attention getting mechanism.

In fact, The Satanic Temple is actually an Atheist organization that deems itself as a non-theistic religious and human rights group. Their stated purpose is to (Click here to continue reading.)

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