After being fast-tracked through the Canadian Parliament in December without extensive debate, Bill C-4 passed into law. It took actual effect on January 8. This law declared that the Christian beliefs that heterosexuality and cisgender identity (the belief that gender corresponds to one’s birth sex) are preferable, are “a myth.” Because of this law, it is now illegal in Canada to give counseling to help people who want to deal with unwanted homosexual feelings. Violations carry a potential five year jail sentence.

Now you are thinking, “Canada? Isn’t it a free country with freedom of speech and individual liberty guaranteed in its constitution? How can that be?”

Well, you might think that, but a set of worldview beliefs that allows its legislators and judges to interpret the plain reading of a text to mean something entirely different now seems to dominate Canadian society. It doesn’t matter that freedom of speech is guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights. It has been decreed that freedom of speech doesn’t really mean freedom of speech anymore. The Naturalistic worldview belief that is now the default worldview foundation of Canada allows the meaning to be interpreted differently. (Continue reading here.)

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