Fire the teachers!!!

In March, an advisory board for Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia called for teachers to be dismissed if they criticize – even in private – equity training. So what could be wrong with “equity training?” Why would anyone, especially teachers, want to criticize an attempt to teach their students to be equitable?

Actually, what we have in play here is another attempt to use trick language to slip in beliefs that are not only un-American, but are anti-Christian as well. Equity sounds a lot like equality, and a lot of people, when they hear the words, basically equate them. Well, they are not the same. Equality is the attempt to make sure everyone has equal opportunity. Equity is the attempt to make sure everyone has the same outcome. There is a MASSIVE difference between the two.

When thinking of the concept of equality, the underlying idea is that everyone should get an equally fair shake. There should not be a multi-tiered system that treats one group of people different from another group – whether it regards the law, education, job opportunities, housing, or any other area. When related to race, it strives for a color-blind society.

Equity, on the other hand … (Click here to continue reading.)

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