When the Coca-Cola company began conducting seminars for their employees that stressed the need for white people to “try to be less white,” it created a firestorm that resulted in calls for boycotts. Their stated purpose for having this kind of training was to try to address the problem of racism in society. And certainly, eliminating racism in society is a good thing, right?

Well, of course it is. Racism is a curse – at least based on Christian values. The only problem is, the term racism itself has been redefined to mean something entirely different from the actual meaning of the word, and the actions being affirmed by the Coca-Cola company don’t actually address racism.

Racism as used in this context is defined as: Discrimination against or antagonism towards other races. The very concept of racism is totally contrary to Christian teachings. The Bible clearly teaches that: 1) all are descended from one family, 2) man is created in the image of God, 3) God’s purpose applies to all nations, and that 4) God does not make distinctions between people. So if the Coca-Cola company wanted to push back against racism, they would be working to promote a truly color-blind society. But they are not promoting the common definition of racism, and are certainly not using (Click here to continue reading.)

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