There is a movement in certain sectors to keep parents of school children from knowing what the kids are being taught, and hiding other kinds of things from them, as well. For instance, during the pandemic, kids were being taught online and there were some teachers who tried to prevent parents from watching the classes because they didn’t want them knowing some of the radical things they were teaching. Another example is much more recent. There are school systems that are actually suing parents who object to the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their schools, and many school boards are taking other measures to keep parents from knowing that it is being taught. There are MANY more examples of this kind of thing happening.

One really alarming example is happening in Scotland. It seems that schools across Scotland have made dozens of referrals of parents to local authorities for being unsupportive of their children’s desire to change genders. Yes, you read that right! (Continue reading here.)

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