A recent Barna survey found that about 60% of adults under age 40 believe that Buddha, Muhammad, and Jesus are all valid paths to salvation. This is just the most dramatic finding of that survey. There are other survey elements that show the younger generation also embraces relativistic morality, and holds a completely unbiblical view of the person of Jesus.

Views like that are simply not Christian beliefs, and it is highly unlikely that most of the people who hold those beliefs are saved. And what is even more tragic is that these same beliefs are also prominent in many churches – even evangelical churches.

As we evaluate what is going on with this, we can only come to one conclusion – that generally speaking, churches are not doing a good job of clearly teaching biblical Christianity to those who are sitting in the pews. This is a really hard matter for dedicated Christians to get their head around, but it is something that we better tackle if we want biblical faith to advance into the next generation.

So, what are the root causes of this phenomenon? (Continue reading here.)

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