Political correctness (PC) started out simply being an attempt to change the language in ways that would avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. So we ended up with such terms as flight attendant rather than stewardess, or partner rather than girl or boyfriend. Well, that is so yesterday. Now we get to use it to actually distort reality.

Have you heard about Harvard lecturer Carole Hooven? Dr. Hooven earned her PhD in biological anthropology at Harvard in 2004, and is now a lecturer and co-director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at her alma mater. The focus of her work for the last 20 years has been “hormones and their relationship to human behavior.”

Now the fact that she is an anthropologist and works in the field of evolutionary biology probably means that when it comes to an understanding of the nature of man, I would not have a lot in common with her. She obviously holds a naturalistic worldview – which means that her perspective on the human species puts her in the camp of people who believe human beings are nothing more than naturally evolved animal creatures. That is a religious point of view and I believe it is a false religion. But it turns out that we do agree on one thing – (Continue reading here.)

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