In modern society, everyone seems to have their own ideas about Jesus. He was a religious rebel. He was a social justice warrior. He was all about people loving one another. He was merely a good man … and on and on. The reason there are so many different viewpoints is that postmodern philosophy has become so ingrained in society (my beliefs are true for me, and your beliefs are true for you), that people think it is okay to come up with their own personal evaluation of Jesus no matter what it is.

When it comes to beliefs about morality, relativism is the norm there, as well. Postmodernism asserts the notion that there is no such thing as objective moral truth, and that every person must come up with their own personal moral beliefs. It is, at its core, atheistic, so there is no God in existence who is able to provide mankind with any kind of objective moral truth. Every person must create their own.

So how, you might ask, does that kill the Christian faith? Click here to continue reading.

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