It is fascinating to watch how people who hold traditional biblical values are now being treated by the media, and other institutions of modern society. It is especially interesting to note how churches and other Christian organizations are trashed for promoting the traditional beliefs and values of their faith. This kind of “in your face” criticism is relatively new in American society.

One very visible example of this is currently playing out in the Roman Catholic church. Christian beliefs have always regarded any kind of sexual relationship outside of the marriage of one man with one woman to be immoral. The Bible is very clear about that, and, in the past, even people who participated in sexual activity outside of marriage would generally acknowledge their actions to be wrong. Not so much any more.

In recent times a special focus has been placed on one aspect of this kind of behavior – that of homosexual relationships. These days, virtually every institution in modern society is being pressured to accept homosexual marriage as normative (and many are even in on the game themselves, working to apply pressure on society to accept it). This pressure is probably nowhere more strongly directed than toward Christian churches. The problem is, Christian churches can’t bow to this pressure without completely denying the very foundation of the Christian faith.

Of course, this means nothing to those who are advocating for homosexual marriage.

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