It is said that President Biden is the most religiously observant president in half a century. He regularly attends Mass, and often talks about how his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies. But interestingly, the beliefs he practices do not correspond to the traditional beliefs of his church. Biden departs in particular from the beliefs of his church as it relates to issues of life and sexuality. While he is faithful in his outward profession of his faith, the actual expression of his life is about as far away from Roman Catholic beliefs as one can get. President Biden professes to be a Roman Catholic, yet the tenets of the faith that he actually practices is not Christian at all.

But Roman Catholicism is not the only place we see this phenomenon. An almost identical faith expression is also seen in certain groups that self-identify as Protestant. These people attend Protestant churches, yet they don’t adhere to traditional biblical theology. So just what is going on here?

The type of theology that Biden and these non-biblical Protestants adhere to can generically be categorized as “Liberal Christianity.” To help clarify this, some of the specific forms of this theological position include Postmodern Theology, Liberation Theology, Higher Criticism, Existentialist Theology, and others. While there are various local expressions of “Liberal Christianity,” they all have a common set of core beliefs. That underlying commonality is based on the fact that they are all founded on beliefs that do not come from the Bible – they come from naturalistic philosophy.

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