What would you think if your state legislature mandated that every one of the teachers in your state must adopt progressive political orthodoxy and teach it to their students? And what would you think if the penalty for noncompliance was for the teachers to lose their teaching license?

This may seem like something out of some dystopian novel, but that mandate is now being actively promoted in the Illinois legislature. Teachers would be required to:
1) endorse the idea that America is systemically racist,
2) affirm the gender identities of any of their students,
3) affirm gender complexity (that there are many genders), and
4) affirm gender fluidity (that people can change genders based on how they feel).

Additionally, teachers would have to be willing to lead their students in leftist political protests and lobbying. Beyond that, they would be encouraged to consider grading their students on their social justice activism rather than on their performance related to ordinary school work.

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