There is currently in America a MASSIVE exodus from the church. The Pinetops Foundation recently commissioned a study in order to get a sense of just how big this exodus might be by the year 2050. They did their analysis using three different scenarios:

  • Assuming present trends get worse
  • Assuming present trends continue
  • Assuming present trends improve

None of the scenarios are encouraging.

Assuming present trends get worse than they are now, as many as 42 million people raised in Christian homes will disaffiliate from Christianity by 2050.

Assuming present trends continue in line with how they are currently trending, 35 million people raised in Christian homes will disaffiliate from Christianity by 2050.

Assuming present trends improve to Generation X levels of decline, we would only see 26 million people raised in Christian homes disaffiliating from Christianity by 2050.

The figures are staggering, even assuming a best case scenario. As a Christian community, we have a choice to make. Are we going to continue business as usual, or are we going to reimagine our approach to dealing with the religious reorientation of American society? If we continue down our current path, the results mentioned above are the outcome we will see.

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